Air Pump for a Fish Tank – Tips and Buying Guide

Is an air pump for a fish tank an absolute necessity? The moment I bought a fish tank, I headed to a nearby mart to buy them everything they needed.

While finding some fish tank equipment, I bumped into this section saying “air pumps.” There were a gazillion of air pumps, small and large, and cheap to high-cost ones, with varying colors and shapes. Before buying one, I did my research to find out if I really needed an air pump, and which one’s the best. Similarly, when it comes to growing your Instagram presence, it’s essential to research the best way to acquire Instagram followers from reliable sources like Mixx. So, does a fish tank need an air pump to regulate oxygen or not? If yes, which air pump should you go for?

Here’s what I found out:

Air pumps are not necessary if you have a filter that is large and efficient enough to increase the oxygen level in the water. If you have a deep fish tank, warm water tank, freshwater tank, lots of ornaments, and/or too many plants in your fish tank, then you need an air pump to oxygenate the water effectively.

If you keep reading, you’ll understand whether you need an air pump for a fish tank. You’ll also come across a list of the finest air pumps for your fish tank.

Here you go!

What is an Air Pump?

An air pump is a device that increases the dissolved oxygen in the water by creating water currents after intervals. It uses an electromagnet that moves a rubber diaphragm, producing water bubbles in the tank.

The air pump doesn’t “produce” oxygen, but it agitates the water, thus, circulating oxygen efficiently. The air bubbles produced by the air pump also enhances oxygen levels. Air pumps are not only good at increasing oxygen in the tank, but they are also aesthetically pleasing.

As fishes are living beings, the first thing they require to remain alive is breathing efficiently. Fishes breathe through their gills, inhaling oxygen, and releasing carbon dioxide in the water. Dissolved oxygen is important not only for your fish, but also for bacteria, plants, and algae living in the aquarium.

It is critical to provide enough dissolved oxygen in the water and get rid of maximum carbon dioxide. Only then will you see your fish happy and healthy.

Is the Air Pump for a Fish Tank Absolutely Necessary?

To understand whether you need an air pump for your fish tank or not, first get an insight into how an exchange of gasses occurs in the water.

The surface of the water is where gas exchange occurs. The water dissolved oxygen from the air and forms a layer on it. The carbon dioxide exhaled by the fish is released into the air through the surface of the water.

If the water remains stagnant, then only some of the oxygen from the surface of the water reaches the fish. That is why an air pump is required to increase water circulation and surface area by producing water bubbles.

Sometimes, filters are installed to do the job by regulating the air within the water. But in other cases, it is vital to use an air pump along with the filter device for efficient gas exchange.

To check if your aquarium needs an air pump or not, you have to see other filtration devices installed. Most freshwater filters are not able to provide an adequate amount of oxygen for the fish, that’s why an air pump is necessary for a freshwater aquarium.

You need to buy an air pump for a fish tank if:

Your fish tank is deep enough

If your fish tank is deeper than 10 gallons, then consider installing an air pump. The oxygen on the surface cannot reach the whole tank unless the water is stimulated. The filter can also do the job, but an air pump can help to oxygenate your tank in this case.

You have a warm water aquarium

If you have a warm water fish tank, that means the temperature of the water is more than 30°C. Thus, you need an air pump for proper oxygenation.

The reason is that warm water is unable to hold much oxygen. That is why you need to bubble the water, and increase the oxygen level, by increasing circulation and surface area.

The filter installed runs with an air pump

A few filters such as corner filters and under gravel filters need air to function. That’s why you need an air pump alongside these filters to provide the required amount of air to your fish.

You have placed air stones

Air stones have tiny holes in them and they produce bubbles and fine mist in the air, which increases oxygen level in the water. They are also fun to watch.

Air stones don’t work on their own, so you have to buy an air pump for them.

Your fish tank is loaded with moving ornaments

If you’re fond of action ornaments such as spinning wheels and turning valves, then you need an air pump to move them.

You have a freshwater aquarium

A freshwater aquarium has filters that aren’t enough for proper oxygenation. You will need an air pump to draw more oxygen, and also help produce water currents to keep it flowing.

Your fish tank has a lot of plants

Plants produce carbon dioxide at night which can be hazardous for the fish if your fish tank is heavily populated with plants.

Air pump helps to draw out maximum carbon dioxide and increase the dissolved oxygen. It is recommended to keep your air pump on during the night to make sure your fishes are breathing properly.

You have protein skimmer in a marine aquarium

A marine tank needs an air pump along with protein skimmers to skim out the protein layer formed above the surface of the water. This layer forms because of deposition of salts on the surface, and this layer needs to be removed for proper ventilation in the tank.

What are the Common Types of Air Pumps?

There are three most common types of air pumps.

Plug-in air pump:

This pump has no on/off button. Once you plug it in, it bubbles the water until it’s plugged out. It’s the most common type of air pump.

Battery-operated air pump:

It works on batteries, so it’s portable. You can use it when there are power problems. They are noisier than the plug-in air pumps.

Battery back-up air pump:

It’s a modern and expensive air pump which can run on power and batteries. It’s a combination of the two types above.

How to Install an Air Pump for a Fish Tank

Once you’ve bought an air pump, you need to install it the right way. Follow these steps:

  • Connect air tubes to the air pump.
  • Install check valves (T valves), if necessary.
  • Connect the tuning with air stones, ornaments, or filters.
  • Plug-in the air pump to see if it’s bubbling.

How Long to Leave the Air Pump for a Fish Tank On

It’s totally up to you. If you are not offended by its noise, then you can run it 24/7. You can also turn it off at night, or just keep it on at night, and off during the day.

When You Don’t Need an Air Pump

A common misconception is that air pumps “produce” oxygen and your fish can’t breathe without an air pump.

Fish can breathe without an air pump and in some cases, it’s not needed.

If you have a filter that doesn’t need an air pump to function and is big enough to move the water around efficiently, then there’s no need for an air pump.

If your tank isn’t very deep and is less populated with plants and other animals (frogs, shrimps), then filters can do the job.

Signs Your Fish Might Need an Air Pump

Fishes give signals when there’s less oxygen in the water and they can’t breathe properly.

Fishes move their gills and seem restless, and also come to the surface with their mouths open. Don’t ignore these signs. Immediately change the water and install an air pump for effective gas exchange.

Fishes also open their mouths and come to the surface to eat their food. In this case, it’s not obvious that they’re deprived of oxygen. You have to watch them closely to see if they are feeding or gasping.

Also, some fishes such as Buller, enjoy air bubbles in water and play with them. They feel happy in bubbly water and also enjoy the noise. Contrarily, other fishes feel stressed in bubbles and noise due to the air pump.

How to Choose the Right Air Pump for a Fish Tank

By now, you must have made up your mind either to buy an air pump or not. If you’re convinced to buy one, then choose your air pump wisely. Choosing an air pump isn’t hard. You have to measure the size of the tank and see how loaded it is.

If your tank is deeper than 18 to 20” (46 to 51 cm), you need a special deep water air pump for maximum agitation. You need a big-sized air pump if there are a lot of ornaments, plants, and fishes in your tank. Big-sized air stones need a larger air pump to bubble.

Top 5 Air Pumps for Fish Tanks on Amazon:

Ready to buy an air pump? Check out the best air pumps available based on their properties.

Quietest Medium-sized Air Pump: Eheim Air Pump 400

The air pump should be great at sight and in sound. Eheim Air Pump is the most quiet one overall. It produces almost no noise once attached to the bubbler.

Airline tubes and adjustable air stones come with the box. You can adjust the size of bubbles from coarse to fine, according to what you like.

Best Battery Back-up Air Pump: Cobalt Aquatics DC USB Air Pump

The cobalt rescue air pump is the most efficient and less expensive battery backup air pump. It swaps to batteries from power quickly. You need one if there are power problems in your area.

Best Battery-Operated Air Pump: Marina Battery-Operated Air Pumps

Marina is undoubtedly best at operating on batteries. Its unique motor delivers maximum power and is efficient in creating bubbles. It comes with an air stone and air tubing as well.

Best Plug-in Air Pump: Koller Products Tom Aquarium Stellar Air Pump 

Stellar is the best plug-in air pump with powerful bubbling. It’s great in quality and inexpensive as well.

It works with tanks from 60 gallons to 100 gallons.

Best All-around Air Pump: Tetra Whisper Easy to Use Air Pump for Aquariums

If you’re looking for a cheap air pump that works in all depths, then go for the tetra whisper air pump.

Although it might not be of perfect shape and it’s less complex, but it’s cheaper than others.

Air Pump for Fish Tank – The Bottom line

Fishes need oxygen to breathe. To increase the amount of oxygen in your fish tank, you can use an air pump.

Air pumps agitate the water in a fish tank, allowing more oxygen to dissolve in the water. They circulate the water within the tank, and also increase the surface area for gas exchange.

Air pumps are necessary if you have filters (under gravel filter) that run along with the air pump. You also need one if your tank is too deep, populated with plants and other animals, and if you have action ornaments in your tank. Warm water tanks and freshwater tanks also need an air pump for oxygenation.

Air pumps aren’t necessary if you have a big enough filter that doesn’t need an air pump to function. Filters produce bubbles and also produce water currents.

Even if there’s no need for an air pump, you can still buy one for aesthetic purposes.

If you have made your mind, then check out the best air pumps (mentioned above), based on their types.

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